
Tashkent, Bektemir district, Husain Boyqaro 117


78 777 11 11



About us

Profi University

Profi University Navoi branch

Profi University Navoi Branch

"Profi University" commenced its activities in December 2021, and as part of the university's initial plans, there was an intention to open branches in the regions under the "Profi" brand. And we chose Navoi city for our first branch in the regions. There is no doubt about the fact that on August 13, 2022, an unforgettable opening ceremony and concert were held for the Navoi branch. According to our estimates, more than 5000 people attended the concert.

At the same time, "Profi University" Navoi branch accommodates more than 2000 students. The branch also has its own dormitory facilities.

Choosing a university is an important process for anyone who wants to shape their future or career. But what exactly should one pay attention to when choosing a university?

We have a specific answer to this particular question - if you come to Profi University's Navoi branch, we will discuss it in detail!

Address: Navoi city, Navoi Street, House 81.

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