Doimiy yashash manzili

Tashkent, Bektemir district, Husain Boyqaro 117


78 777 11 11



University news

Foreign guests at "Profi"!

Foreign guests at "Profi"!

Foreign guests at "Profi"!

We want our students to think of Profi as a combination of development, out-of-the-box thinking and creativity.

We are constantly working for this.

"Profi University" will continue to prepare gifts for the new academic year.

For this reason, on August 2, we invited Mr. Baek Sang-guk, the head of the Department of International Relations of Korea's Duksung University, to the university.

During the meeting, Rector of "Profi University" Nodirjon Hoshimov and Korean guest Baek Sang-guk talked about signing a memorandum to establish mutual cooperation relations.

We are always working for you.

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