Ismatillayeva Mahliyo Muzaffar qizi
Teacher of Pedagogy and Primary Education Methodology
Shoumarov Gayrat Bakhromovich - rector of Profi University. Uzbek scientist, doctor of psychology, professor, member of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan - academician. He is the founder of the scientific school for the study of the family, which was formed in Uzbekistan in the field of psychology. Ghairat Shoumarov wrote a number of textbooks for schoolchildren on healthy lifestyle, health, and family issues, "Family Psychology" and "Eastern Family" textbooks taught in academic lyceums and vocational colleges, "National Encyclopedia of Uzbekistan", "Women's Encyclopedia" , is one of the authors of books such as "Children's Encyclopedia", and under his leadership and co-authorship, a number of scientific and popular books on psychology were prepared. He is also the author of more than 70 educational and methodological manuals and more than 400 scientific articles. He supervised more than 40 candidates of science and advised more than 10 doctors of science.