
Tashkent, Bektemir district, Husain Boyqaro 117


78 777 11 11



University news

Answers to questions about the entrance exam in the fields of MEDICINE and LAW!

Answers to questions about the entrance exam in the fields of MEDICINE and LAW!

Answers to questions about the entrance exam in the fields of MEDICINE and LAW!
1 question: When will the entrance exam in the new directions be held?
Answer: The first entrance exam in new directions will be held on August 23 at 10:00.

2 question: How will the exam be conducted? 
Answer: As always, the entrance exam will be conducted offline.

3 question: In what subjects will the exam be conducted?
Answer: Medicine, Pediatrics, Dentistry: 1st subject - biology, 2nd subject - chemistry;
Pharmacy: 1st subject - Chemistry; 2nd subject - Biology;
Law: 1st subject - huquq; 1st subject – English.

4 question: What is the passing score in the entrance exams? 
Answer: 80 points. 100 points for the scholarship.

5 question: What forms of education are available in the new directions?
Answer: In the medical field: full-time education;
In law: full-time, evening and correspondence courses.

6 Question: Are applicants accepted to new directions with a DTM result?
Answer: Yes, of course. The passing score in these areas is 80 points. The items must be appropriate.

7 Question: Do I need to pay for the exam?
Answer: No, taking the exam is absolutely free.

8 question: Will the privileges on the entrance exam be counted? 
Answer: Yes, applicants with a national certificate, IELTS and CEFR certificates will receive maximum points in the relevant subject. 

9 Question: Is there a scholarship?
Answer: Yes, it is provided. Applicants who score more than 100 points in the entrance exams will receive a scholarship in the amount of 600,000 soums per month. 

10 Question: Is there a grant? 
Answer: Yes, of course, a separate grant exam will be held only for applicants applying for new directions.

11 question: In which languages are classes held in new directions? 
Answer: The languages of instruction in these areas are Uzbek, Russian and English. 

12 Question: How many quotas are available? 
Answer: 200 quotas have been allocated for each direction.

13 question: Before what date will the entrance exams be held? 
Answer: The reception will continue until October 1.

If you still have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us:. +998 78 777 11 11

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