Doimiy yashash manzili

Tashkent, Bektemir district, Husain Boyqaro 117


78 777 11 11




Aminova Feruza Hayitovna
Head of the department of pedagogy and exact sciences (Navoi)

Aminova Feruza Hayitovna - Head of the Department of Pedagogy and Exact Sciences of "PROFI UNIVERSITY" Navoi branch.

Scientist from Uzbekistan, associate professor, candidate of pedagogical sciences. Excellent public education.

In the field of pedagogy, he is consistently conducting doctoral research in Uzbekistan on the topic "System of developing the competence of students to express their opinion coherently in the process of completing educational tasks". In 2020 and 2021, Feruza Aminova published the educational manual "Pedagogical diagnosis" and the textbooks "Pedagogical conflictology" for students of higher education pedagogy and psychology. The author of the "General pedagogy" study guide and textbooks for students studying pedagogy, published in 2022. In 2023, the textbook "Theory and History of Pedagogy" was published for undergraduate students of Pedagogy (teacher of supplementary education).
He is also the author of more than 10 educational and methodological manuals, more than 100 scientific articles, and more than 50 theses. 5 doctoral students (doctor of philosophy (PhD)) are supervising their dissertations.


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