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University news

The conditions for receiving the grant have been officially announced

The conditions for receiving the grant have been officially announced

The conditions for receiving the grant have been officially announced
Students studying at Profi University on a grant basis in the 2024-2025 academic year will be determined at the exam on August 9. 

Therefore, we want to answer all the questions related to the grant here.

❓Who can participate in the grant exam?

✅ Those who participated in one of the conducted entrance exams and scored 100 points or higher;

✅ Those who have paid at least 980,000 soums (the amount of the reservation) (upon receipt of the grant, the payment will be refunded).

How will the exam be held?

Participants must complete 15 tests in the first major subject of their field and 15 IQ tests, i.e. a total of 30 tests within 1 hour. 

Are benefits taken into account when taking the grant exam?

The entrance exams take into account the winners of the Olympiads, holders of a certificate in a foreign language and applicants with a national certificate in general education subjects. The points received on the entrance exam are not added to the final result. The grant will be determined only based on the results of the exam, which will be held on August 9.

How long is the grant granted?

The scholarship exam is held only once per academic year, and the grant is allocated for one academic year. Students receiving a grant will be able to renew the grant every year if they have a high academic rating in subsequent academic years. 

Will the scholarship be canceled for those who are recommended to study on the basis of a grant?

No, they won't cancel. If there is a grant, those who have been recommended to study on the basis of a scholarship will simultaneously receive free education and a monthly scholarship of 600,000 soums!

Will there still be exams for the grant?

❗️No. The grant exam is held only once a year (August 9th).

What should those who did not participate in the previous exams do?

Applicants must take part in the exam on August 1 and score more than 100 points.

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