
117, Husain Boygaro village, Bektemir village, Tashkent city


78 777 11 11



Admissions for the academic year 2024-2025 have started

Our goal is to prepare graduates who can think critically in all directions through education, enriching their knowledge and competence to improve their own lives and the lives of those around them.
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It's time to become a student!

Our goal is to prepare graduates who can think critically in all directions through education, enriching their knowledge and competence to improve their own lives and the lives of those around them.
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Our goal is to prepare graduates who can think critically in all directions through education, enriching their knowledge and competence to improve their own lives and the lives of those around them.
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Why us

About University

"Profi University" - Think out of the box!

Established as a small educational center consisting of three rooms, "Profi Education" has now transformed into a specialized campus, expanding into the realm of schools and educational centers. In December 2021, the company reached a new milestone - establishing a university. Initially, the goal was to train personnel for the establishment of new schools and educational institutions. However, today the university's goal is not limited to this area but is aimed at raising national interests to a higher level.





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Universitetning ilmiy salohiyat darajasi juda yuqori, hozirda umumiy hisobda 100 dan ortiq professor-o'qituvchi ishlab kelmoqda. Ulardan 86 nafari asosiy shtatda faoliyat yuritib, 1 nafar akademik, 5 nafar fan doktori (DSc), 29 nafar fan nomzodi (PhD) hamda 1 nafar xorijiy professor-o'qituvchidan iborat. O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Prezidenti devonida mas’ul lavozimlarda faoliyat yuritgan, 2008-2010 yillarda Xalq ta’limi vaziri lavozimida ishlagan, O'zbekiston Respublikasi Fanlar akademiyasining aʼzosi, olim, psixologiya fanlari doktori, professor, akademik, Shoumarov G'ayrat Baxromovich universitet rektori hisoblanadi.

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